JobKeeper Stimulus Covering Email

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Dear Valued Client,
JobKeeper Stimulus
The Australian Government has now legislated the JobKeeper program to commence from the period 30th March 2020 to 27th September 2020.  Your business may be eligible to apply for the JobKeeper payment from the commencement date of 30th March or a later date in the period.   Under the program, eligible business may be paid a fortnightly amount of $1,500 for eligible employees or business owners actively engaged in the business that have agreed to be nominated by your business as their primary employer.
We can assist your business in determining eligibility and handling the initial enrolment to the ongoing claim progress for fortnightly reimbursement payments. Below we have set out the steps involved and the assistance that Lindsay Brown & Associates can provide.  It needs to be emphasized that businesses that are considering accessing the JobKeeper payment are required to determine both the eligibility of their business and their employees.   
Once your eligibility is established, your business can commence enrolment with the Australian Taxation Office.  For those businesses that are looking to access JobKeeper payments for the fortnightly periods commencing 30th March 2020 and 12th March 2020, your enrolment must be made to ATO by no later than 26th April 2020.
Am I an Eligible Employer?
Steps Required for JobKeeper Payments

If you wish to engage us to assist with the process of claiming the JobKeeper stimulus please advise by return email and we will forward an engagement letter.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of the JobKeeper program do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Lindsay Brown

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