Important Notice: Stage 4 Restrictions


To Our Clients & Friends,

It is time for Lindsay Brown & Associates to change our work practices during Stage 4 restrictions in Metropolitan Melbourne.

After this week’s announcements by the Victorian Government, Lindsay Brown & Associates will be closing our Brighton Office on Wednesday evening and will continue to operate remotely for the next 6 weeks. 
We support the Government’s actions in trying to slow the spread and impact of COVID-19 which is necessary to ensure the health and safety of the Victorian community together with our clients and staff.   However we look forward to resuming normal business operations at the earliest appropriate time after the lockdown provisions are eased.

Please be assured that Lindsay Brown & Associates will be remaining open for business.  We intend to implement changes to our service delivery that will ensure that we can continue servicing our valued clients and remain accessible through email and/or phone.  Some of the key changes are as follows:


  • Our office telephone number 03 95956333 will still be used for incoming calls and those calls will be redirected to our receptionist Jane Logan.  Jane will communicate any calls received to the appropriate staff member.
  • Our incoming mail that normally is delivered by post to our premises in Brighton will be redirected to a work from home location.  Our staff will continue to deal with mail received to ensure we respond to our client service needs.  Please do not hesitate to post records and information to us as you may normally do.
  • Our staff will continue to work remotely from home and can be contacted via email or phone to ensure our quality of service will remain the same.  We have full access to all accounting software and Taxation Office records through our cloud-based systems.
  • During August many clients will rely on us to prepare Business Activity Statements and we should be able to do this through means such as emails and accessing cloud-based accounting packages.  There should be minimal disruption caused for clients.

Government Support Packages

We understand the financial impact and hardships on individuals and businesses during these unprecedented times.   We will continue to work with our clients as a matter of priority during the lockdown period to ensure that government financial support promptly reaches those clients who are eligible for these payments. Some of the entitlements that we can facilitate:
  •  Claiming Jobkeeper subsidies for businesses during August and September. 
  •  Preparing Business Activity Statements for the quarter ended June 2020 that may generate additional cash flow boosts.
  • Preparing applications for the $5,000 Victorian Business Support Fund that some businesses may satisfy the eligibility criteria.

There may now be businesses that previously were ineligible to claim JobKeeper that are likely to now satisfy the eligibility criteria for JobKeeper.   If a business is likely to sustain a 30% reduction in turnover in August 2020 when compared to the comparable month in August 2019, it may consider enrolling with the Taxation Office for JobKeeper in the coming weeks.  We would encourage clients to contact the accountant you work within Lindsay Brown & Associates to discuss your eligibility for government support such as JobKeeper.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss how these measures relate to your situation please contact your accountant via email.

Our team:

Lindsay Brown                  [email protected]      
Jeff Garnet                         
[email protected]            
Kirti Singh                          [email protected]         
Janice Mawer                     [email protected]             
Jane Logan                         [email protected]                
Matthew Innes                  [email protected]             
Kathy Dixon                       [email protected]         
James Scalzo                      [email protected]               
Bonnie Hou                        [email protected]            
Kartik Nadan                     [email protected]

We will keep you updated as new announcements are made. We hope our combined efforts slow the spread of COVID-19 in Victoria, and we look forward to seeing you all on the other side.

Kind Regards,
Lindsay Brown & Associates

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